Coca-Cola wanted to introduce its products to emerging markets where consumers and vendors have budgetary constraints to overcome. They were also looking to move from traditional packaging to newer, more cost-effective models. Times are changing, and they asked us to look at the future of their packaging and delivery systems across all markets. The Coca-Cola Splash Bar was one of the winning concepts that made it to market.
Created at Fahrenheit 212, NYC
The Splash Bar is a cost-effective system that allows vendors to sell the drinks their customers want to buy. Carbonation poses physics challenges, requiring structural strength and protection of sparkle over time and distance. And going with smaller sizes (the usual CPG answer to lower price points) could increase the cost per ounce, as packaging costs more than the liquids. The transformational answer was unexpected and wildly successful. Instead of creating smaller packs, we created a low-tech fountain called Splash Bar that took a rarely sold existing pack form (3-liter bottles sold in a few urban hypermarkets, but too expensive for most consumers), turned it upside down with a proprietary optic valve, and let consumers pour whatever amount they could afford.
Splash Bar dropped the entry-level price point of Coca-Cola products by 40%.
Splash Bar became a catalyst for female entrepreneurs across India, who’ve turned Splash Bars into businesses and gathering spots.
Designed at
Fahrenheit 212, NYC
Design Assistance
Georgina Clarke
Product Renders
George Milev
Final Manufactured Design
Product Ventures