Fahrenheit 212 logo

The innovation consultancy Fahrenheit 212 needed a new business tool that showcased the companies' disruptive innovation process and their varied selection of case studies. I created a customizable old-school hardcover book (over a typical emailable PDF or deck) with the right balance of irreverence, process, and culture.

Designed in-house at Fahrenheit 212, NYC


We discovered a solution: printing the book on demand, allowing customization for clients and projects. Its success led to the adoption of Fahrenheit's new visual identity and brand voice, following the book's blueprint.

Our robust website served clients well, but providing a tangible brand book to select clients brought an innovative and special touch to new business interactions.


Fahrenheit produced thought-provoking white papers called Boiling Points, distinguished by a unique 3D illustration style. Instead of using a generic template system, I introduced cardboard dioramas, creating a unique branding system that hinted at the content within. Although time-consuming, this approach encouraged designers to explore new avenues and step away from their screens, gaining hands-on sculpting skills in the process.


In Fahrenheit's journey, reflection was scarce as we embraced new client challenges. For our 20th Anniversary, we wanted to create a special gift for our clients and staff. We compiled our top 50 innovations in a hard-cover, beautifully designed book. These innovations, born from our project work, encompassed ideation, definition, design, and validation and were successfully launched by clients, generating over $30B in revenue.

We took a page out of Billboard magazine and spun up our top fifty innovations that made it to market.

—Mark Payne, President/Founder Fahrenheit 212


Collaborating closely with Meaghan Elyse Lueck, a senior F212 designer, we produced a process video spotlighting Fahrenheit 212's distinct innovation process. Unlike other consultancies, our 'Money and Magic' method integrated two parallel tracks. The 'Money' path tackled clients' business needs, ensuring solutions aligned financially. Simultaneously, the 'Magic' route prioritized consumer insights and delight, creating resonating experiences.

  • Designed at

    Fahrenheit 212, NYC

  • Book Content

    Fahrenheit Strategists

  • Photography

    Henry Hargreaves

  • Illustrations

    Drew Beam

  • Video Design

    Meaghan Elyse Lueck


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