Quirky — 'I made that'

Our talented in-house animation team at Quirky created this simple animated video. We had just rebranded our company and needed to promote our new Quirky app and get everyone excited about drawing a stick figure and joining the Quirky community. You had several finger strokes in the app to create your unique stick figure, which gamified the process.

This character would then be your avatar, and if you invented a product, it would appear on the physical product and the packaging, creating your seal of approval.

This video used some basic storytelling. That mirrored the Quirky product development process. You create a stick figure that joins a larger community, and together you invent your next product invention. You go to a store and are excited to see your product at retail. We used 'Ben Kaufman's voice (the CEO of Quirky) to say, 'I made that,' which was part of his original story about why he created Quirky in the first place and became our communities catch phrase.

We were also inspired by the voices in the Sims video game, and we paid homage to them in this video.


Shooting Dropsy


Mothers Day at Quirky