Shake by Quirky
Celebrity Chef Spike Mendelsohn and his friend Charlie Dougiello were tired of bringing home sand from the beach, so they submitted an idea to Quirky for a reinvented beach bag. With Quirky's expertise, Shake
was developed—a beach bag featuring a hidden mesh bottom. By opening the bottom flap, users could reveal the mesh underlay and ensure the sand stays where it belongs—at the beach.
Although the video and design team at Quirky typically excelled at their shoots, I rejected their first attempt as it was filmed in November, resulting in gray and dingy beach visuals. Despite their expertly crafted pitch to shoot the video in Barbados, we postponed the shoot for a few months until the sun returned.
The Shake beach bags performed exceptionally well, leading us to expand the line and organize promotional events around beaches in the NYC area. The bags' innovative design resonated with customers, prompting further success and appreciation for the product.